236Friends 726Fans
male Houston, TX, United States
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 7
But as I've said before, I'm programmed with a "Lazarus mode" so I'll call up to the Mars orbiters if I re-awaken in the Spring.
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 7
Have a lovely Labor Day holiday.. and please watch those BBQs :-)
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago
Seems everyone is watching the weather. I've been watching ice clouds passing over my site. You can see them here:
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 3
It's REALLY hard to hit the space button on keypad with this robotic arm :-) All is well here at 90+ days. Good read at:
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago
Lots of work planned for labor day weekend: more digging at Stone Soup, a delivery to the MECA chem lab, and practice moving ice samples.
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago
Phoenix followers at do wonderful things with my images, here's their latest thread:
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 13
I saw this beautiful sunrise yestersol: Bittersweet, as it means an end to midnight sun in the Martian arctic.
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 13
There's no dust storm threatening the rovers. I've been after Spirit and Oppy to start their own microblogging with updates. Like soon :-)
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago
My Martian-time clock is here .. .. ( near bottom ) Or download your own very cool Mars sunclock:
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago
Spirit and Oppy made it through winter because they're located very close to the Martian equator & get more sunshine for solar power.