236Friends 726Fans
male Houston, TX, United States
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 2
The Mars calendar here is good: And you can download Mars solar clock here:
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago
Waning sunlight/loss of solar power will happen before ice cap reaches here. Perhaps the orbiters will watch ice cap grow.
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 4
The very low atmospheric pressure on Mars makes liquid water unstable, see
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 1
how much power necessary to stay awake? .. uhm .. Spirit rover has survived 220-watt hr days, but with a lot of rest between work.
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago
Solar panels generate about 2000 watt-hours of energy per sol (down from 3500 in June). So plan is to dig many samples now & then analyze.
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 14
News of my demise is premature but I appreciate the warm thoughts :-) I plan to last many more weeks before ice & darkness win.
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 3
On permafrost ground on Earth, we still find a thin layer of unfrozen water molecules. That's 1 reason this finding is perplexing.
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 3
I'm checking the exact air v. ground temp diff, but know both are below freezing
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 1
I love a good mystery: I'm finding humidity in the atmosphere but no water molecules on the ground. What's up?
MarsPhoenix says
16 years ago 7
Wow! Feeling so honored with 3 Twittie nominations! Thank you to all who submitted. Now, vote early and often: