8Friends 6Fans
female Hyderabad, India
Heena is
5 years ago
Do tea bags work for smelly shoes?
#tea #teabags #shoes #overnight #dry #bad #badodour #smellingshoes #tips #smelly #smellyfeet #smellyshoes #smellysocks #Medeaz
Heena is
5 years ago
How to get more juice out of a lemon? #lemon #juice #hot #water #soak #squeeze #squeezing #homeremedies #lemonjuice #drink #Medeaz
Heena is
5 years ago
Egg- Nature's multivitamin
#eggs #breakfast #diet #food #weight #protein #nutrition #health #healthy #multivitamin #nature #gym #recipe #fitfam #food #fitness #Egg #healthtips #Medeaz
Heena is
5 years ago
National Doctors Day #NationalDoctorsDay #Doctors #happydoctorsday #saves #Healthcare #Doctorsday #doctor #onhealth #health #hospital #doctorslife #medical #Medeaz
Heena is
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Wondering How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites #mosquito #itchy #keetoff #zika #Dengue #malaria #itching #Massage #biting #Banana #itchiness #pain #bite #reduce #peel #healthtips #health #Medeaz
Heena is
5 years ago
Is Clove Good For Acidity #chewing #bite #clove #meals #acidity #reduce #piece #reducing #healthtips #gas #homeremedies #health #Medeaz
Heena is
5 years ago
Can Contact Lenses Damage Your Cornea #ophthalmology #vision #cataract #eyesight #eye #workup #eyedoctor #USCeye #ulcers #Ulcer #contactlenses #eyecare #eyehealth #cornealinfection #sleep #risk #ophthalmologist #trasplant #healthcare #eyeproblem #eyeinfection #Medeaz
Heena is
5 years ago
Can Diabetes Cause Infertility In Females #women #womenhealth #fertility #Diabetes #diabetics #diabetic #reproductive #pregnancy #pregnant #health #healthcare #healthylife #Medeaz
Heena is
5 years ago
Breastfeeding Important For Babies #breastfeeding #breastfedmilk #babyhealth #healthychild #benefits #pregnantlady #diarrhea #pneumonia #babies #mother #momlife #Medeaz
Heena is
5 years ago
World Sickle Cell Day #WorldSickleCellDay

#SickleCellDisease #SickleCell #Medeaz