17Friends 18Fans
female Union, NJ, United States
Umm. 18 years old. Go to Rutgers University, and a bio major. I love to talk about random science stuff that you probably won't be interested in so just ignore me.
Meggie loves
15 years ago
Ellen Ellen Does Her Best Cher Impression!
Meggie is
15 years ago
typing up chapter three but my medicine is kicking in and im sleepy now. ill start again after a nap -snore-
Meggie says
15 years ago 16
Dont let April anywhere near a plane.
Meggie asks
15 years ago 15
what are some of the other threads the misfits were in not in the factory? i need the lot party one too
Meggie says
15 years ago 9
Bad Boys Don't Fall in Love...Chapter two finished and posted
Meggie says
15 years ago 2
stole my dad's laptop.
Meggie says
15 years ago 9
ALl right seriously off to bed now
Meggie says
15 years ago 23
so I have a throat infection.
Meggie says
15 years ago 3
if you guys wanna see a really great movie that isnt very well known (Though it should be it was FANTASTIC)...go see Keith
Meggie is
15 years ago 9
gonna go soon. i feel like im seriously gonna die.