17Friends 1Fans
Cary, NC, United States
5 years ago
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
My Cat thought that the best way she could help me bring the Maelstrom to victory in Frontline was to bite my arms while I played.
5 years ago 2
Taking out the outdoor trash at work is like playing Ao Oni; only the Onis are giant Southern Water Roaches. And it's twice as horrifying.
5 years ago
A stoned dude came into my work tonight; bought Boston Baked Beans (candy-coated peanuts) and proceeded to share them with everyone. He was cool.
5 years ago
I'd love to RP with someone or in a group. Anyone has any recommendations, send them my way ♡
5 years ago 1
I'm hiding in the house today because I'd rather not experience Hell's Front Porch. I'll find virtual Hell's Front Porch in Breath of the Wild.
5 years ago 4
The heat is still frying me even though I'm inside. It feels like 107 outside. Our AC at work can't handle it.
5 years ago
Brave Souls is gonna make me cry over here with the Memories of Nobody story quests.
5 years ago
I wrote my first journal RP tag in probably 10 years tonight. And I've made a lot of new (and not so new but I found them again!) friends! I'm so happy.
5 years ago 2 @Edit 5 years ago
If you find me sitting outside of my body today and the chain of fate is still attached, please help me back in or find a local Shinigami to assist. If I'm outside of my body and the chain isn't still attached, either get a local Shinigami to assist, or just help me speed up the encroachment. (The exhaustion is real, yo.)