53Friends 146Fans
male Somerset, NJ, United States
Is eclectic at best, confusing at worst, and generally almost here
Merlin says
8 years ago
Well this is quite something. Garth Brooks has thrown away the set book and just taking requests from around Yankee stadium. Wow
Merlin says
8 years ago
Three hour delay but apparently the show will still go on
Merlin says
8 years ago
This hasn't gone as planned. Delayed by weather. Not looking like it will go ahead.
Merlin says
8 years ago
I have to keep telling my family not to yuck my yum. #notgarthbrooksfans
Merlin says
8 years ago
I am in heaven, Junior is in hell! So much fun. So much country.
Merlin says
8 years ago
Setting off to New York to see Garth Brooks at Yankee Stadium. And there is so much of that last sentence that is amazing.
Merlin says
8 years ago 1
Rollercoaster. Out of one house purchase at 10am. By 3pm offer on new house accepted.
Merlin says
8 years ago
House hunting starts again. But already seen a very nice one in Chester
Merlin says
8 years ago 6
Would you live next to a graveyard? Spotted a nice house but Junior is saying no because of the location.
Merlin says
8 years ago 1
Well that's a bit of a blow. Looks like the house purchase has fallen through.