Well this is quite something. Garth Brooks has thrown away the set book and just taking requests from around Yankee stadium. Wow
Three hour delay but apparently the show will still go on
This hasn't gone as planned. Delayed by weather. Not looking like it will go ahead.
I have to keep telling my family not to yuck my yum. #notgarthbrooksfans
I am in heaven, Junior is in hell! So much fun. So much country.
Setting off to New York to see Garth Brooks at Yankee Stadium. And there is so much of that last sentence that is amazing.
Rollercoaster. Out of one house purchase at 10am. By 3pm offer on new house accepted.
House hunting starts again. But already seen a very nice one in Chester
Would you live next to a graveyard? Spotted a nice house but Junior is saying no because of the location.
Well that's a bit of a blow. Looks like the house purchase has fallen through.