14Friends 2Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Hi! I am maleighe(writing blog) and iishouldgo(personal)! I love to write and sing. Ceck me out on tumblr sometime! (:
Maleighe hates
12 years ago
stuck up bitches who think they are the shit
Maleighe hates
13 years ago
when her mother thinks she'll be over a band within the i love r5....ill never be over them :-P
Maleighe thinks
13 years ago
chocolate should be one of the basic food groups
Maleighe thinks
13 years ago
shes stupid for liking an asshole guy :-(
Maleighe feels
13 years ago
like a mess of emotions from life and writing now... this new ep....ohgawd :'-(
Maleighe says
13 years ago
I dont understand this