After 3 days of Tropical Storm Imelda visiting us here in the Houston area and dumping over 40 inches of rain on us I woke this morning to the sun shining, I think the worst is over for now even though we still have a week of rain chances predicted for the area
I got up early (3 AM) to take my Aunt to the Hospital for an operation, all went well and she will be home tomorrow it seems. I will be at Diner trivia today but won't be there for Greedy, I'll be going back to the Hospital to visit my Aunt
I got my new mower yesterday, I didn't expect it to be in a crate and that I'd have to put some of it together. The best thing about it is it has a built in beer holder
I want to thank everyone for their thoughts, wishes and prayers for my Brother James (Mutt) during his illness. He passed away calmly today at 1:10 PM CDT, he will be dearly missed by me.