Broken Bride
45Friends 17Fans
female Second life
Here to make new friends. Loving my Secondlife and the shopping. Oh gosh the shopping.


Add me as a friend, I'm nice!
Broken Bride asks
14 years ago 1
why have ya'll forgot to remind me to plurk? My karma is in the crapper.
Broken Bride asks
15 years ago 1
What are the best Halloween costumes you've worn or seen? Share what made you laugh or cower in fear.
Broken Bride asks
15 years ago 1
Have you ever seen a ghost? If not, do you want to? Do you even think that's possible?
Broken Bride asks
15 years ago 1
What's a bigger enemy to a clean home: a puppy or a baby? Explain the difficulty in keeping house with one of these around.
Broken Bride says
15 years ago
Good Morning friends!
Broken Bride says
15 years ago
I might possibly be the Queen of MAAR. Please bring me my sceptor.
Broken Bride says
15 years ago 2
Hello MikK and LeafMint (wave)
Broken Bride thinks
15 years ago 2
there's too much blood in my caffeine system! I need . more . coffee!!!
Broken Bride asks
15 years ago 4
What's the best part about a wedding?: Whether you're an attendee or participant, there's lots to love about a wedding.
Broken Bride is
15 years ago
such a horrible plurker.