9Friends 18Fans
female San Antonio, TX, United States
just a girl in Texas looking for friends to chat with
MissMandie says
15 years ago
sick of people trying to get me to bang them!
MissMandie says
15 years ago
time for the workies
MissMandie says
15 years ago
time to sleepiez
MissMandie says
15 years ago
tired and feeling sickies. Need sleep so I can feel better for work. any ideas?
MissMandie says
15 years ago
Caught up on podcasts today yay me now to punch people in the throat :-)
MissMandie says
15 years ago
woo hoo I only have to wait till june 9th to drink the kool aid :-) I hate the Sprint peoples
MissMandie says
15 years ago
happy valentines day to you all xoxo
MissMandie says
15 years ago
why the hell am I still up at 1:30 ish I have to be up at 6:30 for work WTF I can't sleep boos
MissMandie says
15 years ago
ok time to get ready to go to town yay no work todays
MissMandie says
15 years ago
I really need to stay offline for awhile