Elaine'sss Cyy
298Friends 49Fans
female Singapore
Eventually, i got to learn to be more independence(:
i am a lazy & ; very blur girl ):
but i love to laugh alot :-D
(Laughing Queenie) &
Elaine'sss Cyy says
13 years ago
i want go homeeee! ): i feel like sleeping laaaaa! >< & got th feel to watch Endless love ~
Elaine'sss Cyy says
13 years ago
Irritating ppl! -.- i listen till sians alrdy still say me non-stop. You not tired i tired alrdy >< TSK! fcuking irritating ttm -.-
Elaine'sss Cyy says
13 years ago
Waha! didnt use lappy ytd. no feeell~ today also no feel leh but i need to watch my dram ): zzzz IWANTSLEEPPPPP!
Elaine'sss Cyy says
13 years ago
Knn. ccb! Fcuk off laaa. Dont make me hate you all even more! TMD!
Elaine'sss Cyy says
13 years ago
awww. tempting. ~ sis status ish tempting me w fast-food. :/
Elaine'sss Cyy says
13 years ago
Proj accounting now ~ C:
Elaine'sss Cyy says
13 years ago
done watching The fierce wife. i want to have my nap but THERE'S NOISE POLLUTION! Damn those people keeps knocking & knocking!!! haiss!!
Elaine'sss Cyy says
13 years ago
ahhh~ tired ! Feel like sleeping but i want to watch finish The Fierce Wife first! -.-" Yawns. endure another 45mins :/
Elaine'sss Cyy says
13 years ago
i gonna watch Mary Stayed Out All Night later after i finished watching Endless love eps12 XD Chionging drama this weekkk! C:
Elaine'sss Cyy says
13 years ago
offline mode. Yawns but i gonna watch my korean drama! Yahooooo~ Byebye & goodnight. <3 boyf.