14Friends 19Fans
female Vails Gate, NY, United States
Mistika Ismail, same old.
I don't like to brag, but I have a wonderful family and great friends. I know what you're thinking, she must be one lucky girl :-D
I am, actually.
Mistikaaa was
15 years ago
playing takraw at school.
Mistikaaa was
15 years ago
at Changi Airport just now.
Mistikaaa is
15 years ago
cikalakapiyaaahpiyaaaaah cikalakapiyaaaahpiyaaaaaah :}
Mistikaaa is
15 years ago
hungry hungry * clap clap * si bei si bei * clap clap * hungry sibei * clap clap * si bei hungry *
Mistikaaa is
15 years ago 1
fed up.
Mistikaaa wants
15 years ago
that b*tch to fvck off.
Mistikaaa hates
15 years ago
to be sassed by, like seriously.
15 years ago
does not have the time to do soooo.
Mistikaaa thinks
15 years ago
that she does not find the need to update every day.
Mistikaaa feels
15 years ago
that school is getting even more mundane every second of the day. OMGsxsxsxsxsxsxz.