Sir Nando
9Friends 8Fans
male Long Beach, CA, United States
reader - watcher - likes the idea of things more than the actual things - changer of my subatomic life - writer - lover - finder of lost articles -
Blur - The Universal
Sir Nando says
13 years ago
Put Win win in your netflix queue.
Sir Nando says
13 years ago
I will never watch the old boy remake. Ever.
Sir Nando says
13 years ago
Just trex and I christmas shopping.
Sir Nando says
13 years ago
Baby Ronan is finally sleeping. Lets see how long it lasts.
Sir Nando says
13 years ago
I love it when you email someone and the have an auto out of office response that says they will be back in the office a few days ago.
Sir Nando says
13 years ago I think I found a new hobby.
Sir Nando says
13 years ago 2
Reinstalling xp! Sorry windows7 still broke.
Sir Nando says
13 years ago
baby vocab quiz 1: nipple confusion.
Sir Nando says
13 years ago
Day 2 of the VRA campaign.