Naomi )O(
78Friends 44Fans
female Hello Yes!, Second Life, Canada
Occasionally compulsive, usually obsessive, often mystified...

I shoot stuff:
I blog stuff:
Naomi )O( shares
11 years ago 3
Cold MoonCold Moon BLOGGERY!
Naomi )O( shares
11 years ago 3
The Doctor Did It!The Doctor Did It!THE DOCTOR DID IT!!
Naomi )O(
12 years ago 1
welcomes SashArabello to her wee little timeline! :-)
Naomi )O( shares
12 years ago 3
Such A FlakeSuch A FlakeBLOGGERY!
Naomi )O( shares
12 years ago 4
Naomi )O( shares
12 years ago 3
Naomi )O(
12 years ago 1
So...marijuana's being legalized all over the place, and Twinkies go bankrupt. Baaaad timing, Hostess. Should have held out just little bit longer. :-P
Naomi )O( shares
12 years ago
metallica - master of puppets
After a SHIT week...IT IS RUM O'CLOCK. Kicking off the weekend the RIGHT way. (banana_rock)
Naomi )O( shares
12 years ago 4
Naomi )O(
12 years ago 2
welcomes LashaeKarsin, CajsaLilliehook, and Ranariee to her little timeline!