11Friends 6Fans
female Jakarta, Indonesia
SMA di PSKD 3 (Perkumpulan Sekolah Kristen Djakarta), sekarang kuliah di London School of Public Relations Jakarta, ambil jurusan Mass Comm
Natthassya says
15 years ago
Natthassya thinks
15 years ago 6
what's the different between mug and glass??
Natthassya feels
15 years ago
jealous.. really !! i mean it mom.. (angry)
Natthassya feels
15 years ago 1
guilty (unsure)
Natthassya says
15 years ago
True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.
Natthassya says
15 years ago
good night and go (sleeping)
Natthassya shares
15 years ago 1
THE MOST RELAXING MUSIC EVER!- Slow down - by Paul Collier
Natthassya thinks
15 years ago
Sometimes I fear that I might dissapear