[computers] Help! Advice please? My foster cat knocked my laptop off the desk yesterday and the screen is damaged. I'm going to need a new computer soon.
[drop] Okay, I am realizing that part of the trouble I'm having with Lupa is that I achieved all I wanted when I apped him. Oops. And VR is nice and chill which is great, but makes it hard to get AC when Lupa is also chill
My sister is in the icu and I'm about to get on a flight to go see her. I am going to need to up my self distraction game the next few days. If you've got threads going with any of mine, tags are extra appreciated. If you want to start one, yes please! If you have non-rp ideas for distraction I'm taking those too
[Naruto] A new chatter about and/or start new threads to scratch the Kisame itch plurk since the old one was getting a little big. I have a bunch of bakerstreet toplevels to share.
[cats] Okay, anybody got litter suggestions? I'm looking for something low dust, non-scented and preferably not sticking to kitty paws and then falling off everywhere.