10Friends 12Fans
NicKyChew says
15 years ago
i've told who i hav told . wan or dun wan to go and support is up to you to decide ..
NicKyChew says
15 years ago
morning ..
NicKyChew says
15 years ago
tis wil be my last day training . tml wil be a show for everyone . be tere to support me alright .
NicKyChew says
15 years ago
later had to go down for training ?
NicKyChew says
15 years ago
jus woke up ..
NicKyChew says
15 years ago
support me . finally , responds are needed .
NicKyChew says
15 years ago
1 more day to my competition .
NicKyChew says
15 years ago
joyce respond me ah , thank you . karma up up !!
NicKyChew says
15 years ago
nite nite .
NicKyChew has
15 years ago
to go le .