42Friends 31Fans
female Never land ;D, CA, United States
"Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost."

Nic_B likes
16 years ago
the Holidays...but getting everything ready for them is the worst Dx
Nic_B feels
16 years ago 7
that even though it's winter time people shouldn't wear animal fur... it's so sadddd :'-(
Nic_B shares
16 years ago 2
Perez Hilton Says Happy ThanksGiving and Dances to Single Ladies
Nic_B is
16 years ago 3
sick as puppyyyy... and it's raining >.< (sick)
Nic_B is
16 years ago 8
sick... and really cold... i live in Dan Diego so it hasn't been this cold in a while... 48 degrees (sick)
Nic_B loves
16 years ago
the rain and hates the strong winds (angry)
Nic_B has
16 years ago 2
to get ready for 100 people comming to her house tomorrow (angry) oh wells iza PARTYYYY
Nic_B has
16 years ago
zuchinni cakes =d im a veggieeeterian >.< (griltongue)
Nic_B is
16 years ago 1
tireddd (sick)
Nic_B is
16 years ago
hungry (mmm) food food... what should i get?