34Friends 39Fans
female Barnet, Great Britain (UK)
Co-owner of Vain Inc

check out the blog too ;-)
NylaRossini is
16 years ago 1
starting to feel sleepy..
NylaRossini wonders
16 years ago 3
why she logs into sl when she is on plurk or the web most of the night :-o
NylaRossini is
16 years ago 6
on holiday in sl now the magazine is finished, where should I tp to for a relaxing break static.plurk.com/static/...
NylaRossini wonders
16 years ago 5
why she bothered waking up as its already 7:30pm and the day is already over (unsure)
NylaRossini is
16 years ago 6
making pancakes (mmm)
NylaRossini is
16 years ago 5
with Toko checking all of the magazine pages are in order before it's printed static.plurk.com/static/...
NylaRossini is
16 years ago
not tired yet and its 7am!!! (woot)
NylaRossini wonders
16 years ago 3
if logging into SL is bad for everyone?
NylaRossini wonders
16 years ago 3
if there is anything that smells worse than a kitten farting? :-&