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Oxford, Great Britain (UK)
At Oxford Brookes we love teaching and our passion comes through in all we do. That’s why for the tenth year running, Brookes has been named the UK's leading modern university by the Sunday Times University Guide.
OxfordBrookes has
14 years ago
informed government policy - through research from our Westminster Institute of Education: www.brookes.ac.uk/wie/ne...
OxfordBrookes says
14 years ago
today is the last day for students to apply for the Brookes Student Community Fund! bit.ly/aFiiWz
OxfordBrookes thinks
14 years ago
a good way to spend your weekend might be at the Oxford City Amnesty Charity Art Auction - find out more at tinyurl.com/34u2l9k
OxfordBrookes shares
14 years ago
Brookes alumnus John Payne opens new campus building named in his honour: www.brookes.ac.uk/about/...
OxfordBrookes is
14 years ago
facing University of the Arts, London in the second round of University Challenge: fb.me/CgYechKO
OxfordBrookes gives
14 years ago
alumni the chance to win an iPod Touch - simply by signing up to Brookes Online Alumni Community by 30 November: fb.me/zZwDaT0d
14 years ago
hosts regular events for students, staff and the public - check out our events page for the latest details: www.brookes.ac.uk/about/...
OxfordBrookes says
14 years ago
don't forget our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/oxfordb...
OxfordBrookes loves
14 years ago
eco-friendly, sustainable initiatives - find out how to get involved: www.brookes.ac.uk/about/...
OxfordBrookes gives
14 years ago
students the chance to get their own initiatives off the ground - but hurry, this year's deadline's approaching: www.brookesalumni.co.uk