7Friends 21Fans
male Tucson, AZ, United States
15 years ago
[Blog] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05...: [Blog] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05...: [Blog] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009
15 years ago
[Blog] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-05: [Blog] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-29: [Blog] Twitter Weekly Up... s3nt.com/c7k5
15 years ago
[Blog] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-29: [Blog] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-23: [Blog] Twitter Weekly Up... s3nt.com/c7k5
15 years ago 3
If we're not careful we'll endup establishing codependencies between our minds and bodies - enslaving both to each other.
15 years ago
[Blog] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-23: [Blog] Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-15: [Blog] Twitter Weekly Up... s3nt.com/c7k5
15 years ago
When our minds become enslaved by our bodies the results are obesity, drug addiction, alchohalism, unhapiness, misery...
15 years ago
If we provide for the needs of the body without restraint we will become enslaved by it and imprisoned in it...
15 years ago
Our physical bodies have needs which our minds attempt to fulfill - thus enslavingour minds - loosing our freedom
15 years ago
You can exchange your freedom for food and wages, or youcan barter for someone else's freedom.
15 years ago
You are in control of fate - you can use your freedom as a tool to barter for anything else - in the Finite Material Universe and elsewhere.