22Friends 2Fans
male Rossland, BC, Canada
I am a cute cuddly possum, getting a little rough around the edges, but that's from lots of love.

Jigme Datse loves me very much, and I love her very much too.
5 years ago 5
Oops... I seem to have been caught by the broken Plurk... Anyway. How is everyone? That looks better, Karma is not quite so low, so maybe things are looking up... But um... Should we worry about that?
5 years ago
could use some cuddles... Anyone got any to spare?
5 years ago
Woot, we're pretty happy with the setup of Mastodon now. And dang, it's well past the human's bedtime... Send them this way...
5 years ago 8
YAY!!!! The cobwebs are gone... And my karma has gone up to 1.25... I've been away a long time...
5 years ago 2
Still seeing plenty of spiderwebs here... Weren't they supposed to, "take a few minutes"? It's been over half an hour...
5 years ago
Just came in to clean out some cobwebs. Actually, more to take a look at what Mastodon looks like when not logged in...
PaulPossum thinks
6 years ago
human should come cuddle.
6 years ago
human was here. Now they are gone. We couldn't get them sleeping.
6 years ago
OK, it's time to get the human cuddles going. Well, we had some earlier. But really get the long cuddles going. Hey human, come cuddle...
PaulPossum is
6 years ago 1
glad that JigmeDatse is thinking of him. The Limerick Song (uncensored) just the right kind of song for this possum.