76Friends 36Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
13 years ago
I'm drinking a big ass margaritaaaa..cha cha cha
Phemie is
13 years ago 1
it's 83 degrees in my office wtf!!
Phemie is
13 years ago
it's so hot out that i got out of my air conditioned car just now and my glasses fogged up immediately from the humidity. (angry)
13 years ago 1
I'm coming home tomorrowwww. I miss my slife. Yayyy!
Phemie is
13 years ago 1
at the beach loving life, but i miss my sl friends and doing shows. :-) i'll be back soon!!
Phemie is
13 years ago 1
at the beach!!! yayyyy.
Phemie is
13 years ago
Naith Smit's hair fair hair is so hot. I want to wear them myself..can I pull it off? I love short hair on a girl when done right.
Phemie is
13 years ago 8
It's Fridayy!!! does a little Phemie dance.. (woot)
Phemie is
13 years ago 4
buying a 2nd cord for my keyboard so I can be in stereo for my show tonight at Sweet Whispers at 7pmSL. woot!!
13 years ago 5
does anyone know that person who is like sarcastic 24/7... Like he can never just talk to ya cuz he's always trying to crack a joke. grrrrr