0Friends 2Fans
male Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Hi everyone. I'm interested in environmental science, eco-friendly lifestyle and all sort of science. I've published my website where l blog about these topics. Nowadays is even more important to look after the environment than ever.
PrettyMuchAmazing thinks
2 years ago
Are you interested in coding? Check out this one.
PrettyMuchAmazing thinks
2 years ago
I think kids should start learning coding as earlier as possible.
PrettyMuchAmazing says
2 years ago
Have you heard about sustainable fashion? Sustainable fashion matters for the planet
PrettyMuchAmazing wishes
2 years ago
Hi everyone, hope you all have a wonderful day. Greeting from Budapest.
PrettyMuchAmazing wonders
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
Pretty Much Amazing Do you love astronomy? Don't you feel so little when you watch the stars?