8Friends 1Fans
female Norwich, Great Britain (UK)
RPer/Writer/Reader/Runner/Fashionista/Information Analyst
Currently obsessed with Game of Thrones and Avengers. Really want to play Assassins Creed and finish Jak and Daxter 3.
11 years ago 48
Fuck you George RR Martin. Fuck you.
Mayoki asks
11 years ago 7
Kamio's boxes are go, but what day would be best for them to be delivered? I was going to say 19th Oct but is this inconvenient for anyone?
Mayoki wonders
11 years ago 159
Kamio is going to branch out in his business. He's going to create sex toys. Any characters willing to try out new products~? ...Such as the riding crop Benedict is kindly demonstrating there...
Mayoki is
11 years ago 4
back to RPing. Whee~!
11 years ago 47
(Stolen from Venice) Our characters share a bed for whatever reason, what happens?
11 years ago 73
Kamio needs to talk to people! If anyone wants to interact with him on the island holiday thingy then by all means plot with meeee~!
11 years ago 1
Kamio is due to be sick starting today, so now I can play catch up! Whee!
11 years ago 59
Kaidoh-mun, hi! ^^ Your Kaidoh is epic, and Kamio (after punching him) wants to bond over coffee!
Mayoki thinks
11 years ago 2
some people were born to be killed. Form an orderly queue, fuckwits.
Mayoki thinks
11 years ago 7
the world should go to hell.