1Friends 3Fans
female Sacramento, CA, United States
I'm Inventive, innovative, an artist, lovable, simply, content, great friend, loves music and the good things in life. Sees life very openly instead of single minded, creative, unique and not like any of the others, outgoing and laughing right now.
ROXY101 wants
16 years ago
to buy the new Crash Mind over Mutant wii game...I loved my Crash of the titans games..looking to upgrade 4 a new adventure!!! (woot)
ROXY101 is
16 years ago
hella cold cause I had to wash my hair outside using freezing man! :'-(
ROXY101 wonders
16 years ago
what the beeping sound is...
ROXY101 says
16 years ago
it's better to get a tattoo done at a shop then homemade in a basement. :-&
ROXY101 is
16 years ago
now done dying my hair red woot woot. :-D
ROXY101 wonders
16 years ago
what comes next in life. :-o
ROXY101 wonders
16 years ago
If he's my best friend yet! ;-)
ROXY101 wonders
16 years ago
What CD 2 pUT oN nExt... :-)
ROXY101 wonders
16 years ago
wILL sHe wiN ThIs gAmE oR LOoSe? :-P
ROXY101 wonders
16 years ago
about plurk. :-o