81Friends 69Fans
male NJ, United States
I am me, I am from Here, I work there,and I like that.
Rajman is
16 years ago 1
Watching Americas Greatest Dog...I love the Bulldog!!!!
Rajman says
16 years ago 2
erinw linked to this site yesterday www.someecards.com/ and I haven't been able to stop sending them to people they are great.
Rajman says
16 years ago
Time for some WoW
16 years ago 2
This Friday the 25th is SysAdmin day.... so don't forget your favorite sysadmin :-)
16 years ago 3
Sleep is goooood!!
16 years ago
Think its time I update to the newest version of word press
Rajman says
16 years ago
Dark Knight = Awesomeness!!!
Rajman says
16 years ago
Morning all...I feel like getting something done to day....but don't know what that something is yet?
Rajman says
16 years ago 1
Trying to get this d@ng VPN to work and its not (s_angry)
Rajman shares
16 years ago
projectlore.com/ Alex Albrecht's new site/show all about World of Warcraft!!!