33Friends 11Fans
female Salt Lake City, UT, United States
RedEssie asks
16 years ago 12
how the hell does this thing work? Why does it NOW say I'm in AZ? WTF?!
RedEssie asks
16 years ago 19
RedEssie feels
16 years ago 1
as though life is the shits today! :'-(
RedEssie thinks
16 years ago
it's about time to go to lunch!
RedEssie is
16 years ago
plurking kind of...
RedEssie thinks
16 years ago 1
she's going to have a Mental Breakdown!
RedEssie is
16 years ago
going to have to eat lunch at her desk :-(
RedEssie has
16 years ago 36
a big ol' spider bite on upper thigh and wondering if she should be concerned? :-o
RedEssie wishes
16 years ago 1
it was Friday all ready!
RedEssie thinks
16 years ago
today is going to be very hectic!