haha, mom bought me a totally cute [ENAKEI] notebook! so cutte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [: tks loads mom!
hi! karama went down! ]: just went to yew tee there go eat sushi, weird but nice [: today mom's b'day! HAPPY B'DAY MOM! [[[:
hi! now watching TV! but homework havent do -.- DX so many!!!! D:
lol, yesterday nvr plurk! karama went downdowndown!!! ]]: LOLOL
HII! [:now at jolene goh's house,helping her with th blogskin [:
byee!! [[[: going to study now :[[ LOL
feigou now vaccuming floor, lol, i now slack, use lappy [[[: LOL. her house th pool so cool! [: wish i can swim :[[[:
hi! karama decreasing! ]: LOL now in feigou's house [: ;P so fun! [:
her throat feels alot better! [: but still pain -.-''' ]]]: