2Friends 14Fans
male Hartford, CT, United States
DeSombra says
12 years ago
I like the new Google + design. It made me want to use it more. You goo Google: Google+ gets face-lift
DeSombra says
12 years ago
Virtual High School? I like this idea. A lot. Imagine, no more cafeteria food!
DeSombra says
12 years ago
As Batman would ask, "does it come in black?"
DeSombra says
12 years ago
Google + gets a makeover. If at first you don't
DeSombra says
12 years ago
And I thought wearing a blinking blue light bluetooth earpiece would geekify me, imagine Google Glasses!
DeSombra says
12 years ago
With a gazillion new iPads sold, now would be the time for those apps that don't rotate to get fixed. (Quora. Pinterest. QuickPing.)
DeSombra says
12 years ago
Hitting the alt key in Ubuntu 12.04 brings up the HUD. I think its cool. (I like saying the HUD!)
DeSombra says
12 years ago
Ashton Kutcher to play Steve Jobs? Hmm, I can almost see that. Can he do better than Noah Wyle?
DeSombra says
12 years ago
500 meeelion dollars for the #MegaMillions? Must play. If I win? Build a house...with a Dunkin Donuts inside! Mwaha! The world is mine!
DeSombra says
12 years ago
"Snow Globe of Cash!" My shirt would be hitting the steering wheel horn from being so stuffed if I was there. Haha!