30Friends 15Fans
male Richmond, VA, United States
Art and RP are my big things, and I joined up here at my girlfriend's urging to get back in touch with old RP friends from LJ. You can always check out my gallery on DA, and my latest art posted there usually reflects what I'm up to lately.
7 years ago 4
Ngh. Forgot to wish my father a happy birthday between 10hr work shift and bed. Mother texted me at 11pm with melodramatic guilt trip.
7 years ago 19
Late for Easter but so excited I found this a few minutes ago! A bird flew up from the pots when I was getting water for the garden, and there it was!
7 years ago
Every even remotely sappy song is making me tear up, today. Is this pre-wedding jitters?
7 years ago 12
Bucky is on the word prompt meme (among others) and I am just so impressed nobody has taken advantage of that to start chanting the trigger words at him.
7 years ago
No more garden. I almost did a bad thing to my back. Working on Bucky arts instead because hunching over the desk is so much healthier...
7 years ago 15
Gardening in fits and starts, and we have this plant that gives a rash and is unkillable and I can't figure out what it IS.
7 years ago
Happy Easter/colorful eggs and candy day to those that celebrate it! Here's my gf's cat and some flowers, even if you don't.
7 years ago 4
TFW you see somebody you want to tag, and just... cannot write the prompt.
7 years ago 15
Sleep not happening. Throat is swollen and every time I doze off I jerk awake choking for air.