6Friends 8Fans
female Knoxville, TN, United States
RiceKrispy feels
15 years ago 1
like something good is going to happen today, though she can't imagine what it could be..
RiceKrispy says
15 years ago
you know I'm bored if I'm actually ASKING if I can process transactions...
RiceKrispy says
15 years ago
blah blah blah, beeeeep boop (rofl)
RiceKrispy says
15 years ago
i don't think i will EVER understand men. not even CLOSE to understanding them...
RiceKrispy is
15 years ago 3
sick to death of being told how to do her job by someone who consistently screws up her own work. AAARRRGGGG!!!!
RiceKrispy has
15 years ago
a daughter who is DRIVING now! Egads! Yes, I'm old. And tired...
RiceKrispy has
15 years ago
finally remembered what her password to get back on plurk is... *sigh* good, bad, who knows? nite nite
RiceKrispy is
15 years ago
twitterpated... and if you can't figure out what that means, watch Bambi
RiceKrispy says
15 years ago 1
a big THANK YOU to celtica and her hubby for the starbucks surprise on my desk this morning. :-D
RiceKrispy asks
15 years ago
is there a free program i can download to convert photoshop images into jpg or tif or gif?