that anyone who really cares about this land should really try to save the land. All of the news is killing my sense of pride as a Taiwanese
amazed that "根據刑法第二六八條,賭博的刑度最高不過三年, 事實上,從過往的新聞中也可以發現,過去五次假球事件,檢調司法處理到最後的結果,都是球員終身禁賽,主導事件的幕後黑手,如黑道、組頭、民代,卻只是易科罰金" This is an amazing country
the world can use more good people, and less of those who has no shame or ethics
that more scandal plagues the Taiwan Baseball once again. Baseball used to be the one sport Taiwan can be proud of. Where is the justice?
enjoyed Taiwan Baseball League Championship. Congratulations to the Lions!!
the law enforcement in Taiwan are too loose and passive. There are no real consequences to unlawful actions. How can one feel safe?
there is a better plurk appliation for iPhone that does not crash all the time
life deserves new beginnings... Even it is a road less traveled by...