26Friends 54Fans
male Orlando, FL, United States
I do comedy and swords at the most popular theme park on the planet. I think I'm cool, but I'm biased.
Future Avenger.

I'd like a dinosaur, please.
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago 12
Google just told me the only way I can do what I want is to buy the software I don't want. Screw you, Google. Screw you, Microsoft.
12 years ago 8
Reason #342 Plurk is better than Twitter: Someone "LivePlurking" could keep it all in one plurk, and not clog my feed.
Ryanhilt shares
12 years ago
Liam Neeson's anti-comedy is perfect. Liam Neeson on Lifes too ShortLiam Neeson on Lifes too Short
Ryanhilt shares
12 years ago 2
I'm thinking of setting my Pathfinder game in Nirmathas, a land clearly best know for it's archers. https://images.plurk.com/40868622aa794a4c73215266e016857e.jpg
Ryanhilt says
12 years ago 1
Ooooo... 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons just announced. www.forbes.com/sites/dav...
13 years ago 4
You know what? This Christmas kinda sucked. I managed to miss every single holiday party.
Ryanhilt says
13 years ago 6
I have a weird urge to Kate & Leopold. Don't judge me.
Ryanhilt says
13 years ago 5
A.) I'm excited this movie is finally being released. B.) It looks like mcolavolpe www.cthulhulives.org/sto...
Ryanhilt says
13 years ago 3
today's TeeFury.com is a good one.