177Friends 30Fans
female Armour, SD, United States
7th and 8th grade Lang Arts and K-6 Title I reading teacher. Mother of 3 daughters. I also have 1 grandson as well as 2 granddaughters.
SDDarla says
13 years ago
My 7th and 8th graders all did well in Reading Olympics (dance)
SDDarla says
13 years ago 4
DD#1 called and requested no candy for her daughter for Easter. Told her too bad I already bought her some! What no candy from grandma?
SDDarla says
13 years ago
Goiing to go to school early to get some things lined up for kids not in reading olympics.
SDDarla says
13 years ago 2
(dance)Reading Olympic Competition today. Hope my 7th and 8th graders do well.
SDDarla says
13 years ago 4
Marvelous Monday to all (wave)
SDDarla says
13 years ago 2
Back from the lake and ready for another week.
SDDarla says
13 years ago 1
getting ready to go to the lake house, DH is already there. First night we will spend since October. Means summer is getting closer.
SDDarla says
13 years ago 3
just got home from an excellent workshop on struggling readers.
SDDarla says
13 years ago 6
Good morning everyone (wave) Hope everyone has a super Saturday.
SDDarla says
13 years ago 3
Getting ready to leave for Saturday class in Mitchell.