17Friends 10Fans
female Indianapolis, IN, United States
SadieCass says
16 years ago 2
True Blood makes me happy. Vampire porn is hot. (*nudges newrose *)
SadieCass says
16 years ago
DirecTV installed. Girls watching Noggin. I'm set to record True Blood. Hubby is staring at the channel guide. Bliss is in our home.
SadieCass says
16 years ago
it's official. Archie has diabetes. Joy.
SadieCass is
16 years ago 1
seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The cold from Hell is fading...but now hubby has it. He's such a needy sicky.
SadieCass has
16 years ago 1
got to go to bed soon.
SadieCass has
16 years ago 2
a red, raw nose.
SadieCass thinks
16 years ago
Angel is catching this cold. Time to bring out the eagle eyes and ears. Listen to the lungs constantly. The season has begun.
SadieCass feels
16 years ago
like crap.
SadieCass has
16 years ago 1
gone grocery shopping today. Now I can stare at FULL cabinets and not know what to eat...