I wake up at 2:30 all the time. Watching Pulp Fiction.
do you have will in your list?
Stephen Starr's new restaurant on Rittenhouse Square (Philly) is almost ready to open.
Plurk had a masochistic streak. I mention FriendFeed... and Twitter... one Plurk in like 3 days and my karma goes up. It's all suspicious.
The battle between FriendFeed and Plurk is on – Shifting away from Twitter. FF with no Karma and the installed base of A-Listers is ahead.
gotta get on a plane... should i go today?
I could have my weekday Little Pete's breakfast with FrankRoche.
On dark and stormy weekdays I always want to sleep all day. Maybe I'll take advantage of Sunday and turn off my computer.
you had to donate Karma to put an animated emoticon in a top-level Plurk. They make me CRAZY!