An abiding undercurrent of dismay and tension about politics and economics is having a deleterious effect on my mental state
Prop 8 is prejudice, plain and simple. Separate but equal never works. If you disagree, feel free to drop me from your friends.
dismayed to learn that one of his friends actually believes that "Obama Secret Muslim" crap.
Gorging myself on YouTube videos of Queen to get through the day.
I could bite puppies' heads off today. Yea, it's that kind of day.
Looks like I picked the wrong time to quit sniffing glue...
""Give me a one-armed economist!"
the $700 billion: “It’s not based on any particular data point. We just wanted to choose a really large number.” - Treasury spokeswoman
after 8 year of "the sky is falling," the government doesn't know how to react when it really is...