11Friends 13Fans
male Portland, OR, United States
SEO, Search, and Mixed Marketing Director, business manager. Will totally do search till I die...unless PowerBall hits...then I'm done.
ScottOrth is
16 years ago
Seriously...I have to work at some point!
ScottOrth is
16 years ago 2
going crazy trying to keep up with Twitter and Plurk!
ScottOrth is
16 years ago
wondering how many Karma points he can gain by NOT liking Plurk!
ScottOrth is
16 years ago
not liking Plurk too much...
ScottOrth is
16 years ago 3
wondering how to find more Plurks...Plurkers?
ScottOrth is
16 years ago
thanking Tamar for bug. :-)
ScottOrth is
16 years ago
wondering if Tamar gave me the bug...not feeling well since yesterday
ScottOrth is
16 years ago 1
Plurking under peer pressure - wondering if its worth the time...
ScottOrth is
16 years ago
wondering how many of these damn social sites he can possibly manage!!!
ScottOrth is
16 years ago
Can't believe I signed up for another one