39Friends 26Fans
male Clayton, NC, United States
ScottSchulz says
16 years ago 3
I cannot believe 16G 3g iPhones are going for almost $900 on Ebay!!
ScottSchulz says
16 years ago 1 seems to be down... Nice to see it has other twitter-like features other than the interface
16 years ago 4
Waiting for the missus whilst she shops for yarn
ScottSchulz is
16 years ago
battling with a laconica install
ScottSchulz is
16 years ago 4
headed outside to bury fuzzbutt and finish up yardwork
16 years ago
I never have understood why my Ubuntu update downloads always seem to alternate between 700k and 7k/s.
16 years ago
I can't remember how many copies of Hardy server I've burned to CD, but do ya think I'd remember to bring one home? Nope... :-(
16 years ago 5
First post from iPhone 2.0
16 years ago
Whew... iPhone update is 218 meg... amazing
16 years ago
Finished mowing the lawn... and in the process acquired bilateral yellowjacket stings to the medial surfaces of my lower legs :-(