26Friends 42Fans
male Jacksonville , Florida, United States
Photographer and avid shoe wearer.
Sean_Burgess thinks
15 years ago 4
it's sad the delivery of Beatles music isn't as groundbreaking as the music itself. Just announced (wait for it...) a CD collection.
Sean_Burgess thinks
15 years ago 3
Tim Roth is a brilliant actor.
Sean_Burgess is
15 years ago
enjoying being in the office listening to the heavy rain.
Sean_Burgess shares
15 years ago
Sean_Burgess thinks
15 years ago
his Windows machine is a piece of crap.
15 years ago
wonders if anyone else spotted the upside down YouTube pages yet. Funny the first time, considering it's 4/1. Would be nice to turn off now.
Sean_Burgess is
15 years ago 3
home sick today.
Sean_Burgess says
15 years ago
here I sit, broken hearted. I paid my dime and only... Yep. It works...
15 years ago
wonders, as kind of a social experiment, whether or not his favorite bathroom graffiti limericks would work as Twitter posts...
Sean_Burgess is
15 years ago 1
looking for a good way to capture video from an old camcorder that won't output straight to my Mac.