ZOMG Giskard
26Friends 19Fans
male Second Life, United States
I aspire to be the walking/DJing undead... how awesome would that be? I ASKED HOW AWESOME !!!!

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ZOMG Giskard is
15 years ago 9
DJing in 30 minutes at HnS... Jocks & Cheerleaders. I BET you won't show up as a slutty redheaded cheerleader... I DARE YOU!!!
ZOMG Giskard is
15 years ago 5
spreading goodwill, cheer, and inappropriate thoughts....
ZOMG Giskard is
15 years ago
totally DJing at HnS by the time you read this... Black and White... awesome skybox.. be here !!!
ZOMG Giskard is
15 years ago 2
DJing tonight at HnS... the event is "Black and White" and you've gotta see the skybox we're doing it in... one word, "It's Bloody Awesome".
ZOMG Giskard is
15 years ago 10
effin plurking about his awesome windmill house he has with ElleKirshner ... You should stop by sometime ;-)
ZOMG Giskard is
15 years ago 9
amazed at how much karma drops when I don't post for a day.... Grrrrrrrr
ZOMG Giskard is
15 years ago
Djing at HnS tonight 6-8 for "Short Shorts". Now is your chance to show me all that love you claim to have for me ;-)
ZOMG Giskard
15 years ago 5
tells all of you who doubted the Bucs to eat it, cause "Winking Bruce" led us to VICTORY today !!!
ZOMG Giskard is
15 years ago 8
plurking just for the sake of plurking... please to forgive me.
ZOMG Giskard
15 years ago 4
Djing a Double Shot at HnS RIGHT NOW for the next 4 hours.... Be here, for God and Country... and redheads