2nd Elf on left
388Friends 105Fans
male Daytona Beach, United States
We are all stories in the end.

2nd Elf on left
3 days ago 2
I hate everything
2nd Elf on left
4 days ago 2
I'm not shufflin' every day but I try to shuffle as often as I can. You gotta put yourself out there.
2nd Elf on left
1 weeks ago 3
2nd Elf on left
1 weeks ago
I found a pimple in a rather unfortunate place. Now I'm bleeding in a rather unfortunate place. Unfortunately.
2nd Elf on left
1 weeks ago 7
Okay, so I have a weird theory. CEO was separated from a wife who was kind of weird when asked about death threats to husband. Killer had silencer, training, and the exact movements of his target. I think it's possible that she hired him and had the bullets altered to reinforce that it was an angry customer. Just a thought.
2nd Elf on left
1 weeks ago 11 @Edit 1 weeks ago
I know you think everyone in Florida is a Trumpie but these are a few recommendations from my local library: https://images.plurk.com/6H6y7JZ0Ibn8kTzGE57y9d.jpg https://images.plurk.com/24cyvS1wvZFUWynKIIa9Pn.jpg
2nd Elf on left
1 weeks ago 8
So cute! https://images.plurk.com/36xiW275sd9mLuSsYRfMG.jpg
2nd Elf on left
1 weeks ago 3 @Edit 1 weeks ago
I have half a bottle of yummy wine the boy bought us, hidden in a cup so the twins don't beg. Not a terrible day. If the wine pees out in cash. Otherwise, DOOM! And I'll drink the other half of the bottle. And then the Happy Elves will come and all will be better! Until I wake up. Then more elves!