11Friends 8Fans
female France
I'm short and my names JANEH!
ShellyJaaay23 is
15 years ago 7
on plurk O_O
ShellyJaaay23 is
15 years ago 8
ShellyJaaay23 is
15 years ago 22
totally bored
ShellyJaaay23 has
15 years ago 138
decided that she's leaving the plurk world forever
ShellyJaaay23 has
15 years ago 2
decided that she's done plurking
ShellyJaaay23 has
15 years ago
made the realization that she forgot to purchase her parking permit :-o
ShellyJaaay23 is
15 years ago 5
bored :'-(
ShellyJaaay23 has
15 years ago 19
no idea what to do =[
ShellyJaaay23 is
15 years ago 14
going to bed soon because her head is aching (sick)
ShellyJaaay23 wants
15 years ago 6
to go out tonight (tears)