62Friends 68Fans
male Kelapa Gading, Indonesia
about me..
i'm just an ordinary boy who try to understand about the meaning of life and meaning to love someone..
i'm just an ordinary boy who try to figure out the purposes of his life..

I'm Just an ordinary boy~
SimplyCanny says
13 years ago 3
nad , gw msh bsa buka pke hape kok :-P
SimplyCanny says
13 years ago 3
Night! to ellnh NgFajar nadia.yanitra
SimplyCanny thinks
13 years ago
that he should go to sleep , only 4 hours remaining
SimplyCanny is
13 years ago
listening to if it's love - train
SimplyCanny is
13 years ago 4
listening to What The Hell - Avril Lavigne
SimplyCanny is
13 years ago
listening to marry me - Train
SimplyCanny feels
13 years ago 24
sorry for twitter , 'cause his heart was taken by plurk!
SimplyCanny needs
13 years ago 25
SimplyCanny says
13 years ago 28
bsok bakalan bangun jam 5 pagi bwt badminton :-&
SimplyCanny says
13 years ago 13
karma karma , kapan naiknya :'-(