1Friends 1Fans
female Rochester, NY, United States
51 y/o wife, mother, grandmother. Active Roman-Catholic. Professional choir member. Certified Waterfront Lifeguard.
SingingSue is
16 years ago
awake & ready to face another day. Good morning fellow Plurk-ers.
SingingSue is
16 years ago
still up. Hungry. Anyone else here? <echo, echo, echo> Well, nighty night to all.
SingingSue is
16 years ago
happy 'cause I bought the absolutely coolest 'Vrksasana' t-shirt at Bittersweet. Vrksasana is my favorite asana and I am a tree hugger.
SingingSue is
16 years ago
off to see the world...
SingingSue is
16 years ago
surprised she's read 16 Danielle Steel novels...
SingingSue is
16 years ago
dawdling, with a list of Danielle Steel books I'm reading snopses and marking which I've read...
SingingSue is
16 years ago
wondering where her son is. Much as he's impossible and doesn't be long here, I do want him safe.
SingingSue is
16 years ago
signing townhouse lease in AM. I'm decorating in my head and searching out ideas for furniture.
SingingSue is
16 years ago
praying for her son.
SingingSue is
16 years ago
starting to unwind after a difficult day.....