53Friends 7Fans
female Mclean, VA, United States
Knitter, spinner and single mother: crafting away to try to satisfy my daughter's (adorable) demands for hand knits while finally knitting for myself for the first time in 10 years!
SingularKnit says
11 years ago 1 Started my first toe-up sock for Madison last night! Cast on wasn't as hard as I expected.
SingularKnit says
11 years ago 2
Good Morning!! After working like crazy to prepare for a database conversion, the data was taken last night and I have the next 3 days to relax before the new system goes live. Bring on the knitting!
SingularKnit says
11 years ago
Good morning! Already been super productive, Easter egg hunt is all set up for M, just waiting for my mom to get back from the salon!
SingularKnit says
11 years ago
keeping positive today and sending prayers and good vibes down to my brother-in-law's mom. He's heading down today, hopefully we'll find out exactly what's going on once he's down there.
SingularKnit says
11 years ago 1
Please send prayers. My brother-in-law's mom's cancer keeps spreading. She's hallucinating and no longer knows what's going on around her.
SingularKnit says
11 years ago
good morning! off to work early to try to make it a better day!
SingularKnit says
11 years ago
finally taking some time for me today... trying to forget everything going on in my life for the next hour :-) have a good night everyone!
SingularKnit says
11 years ago 2
This week keeps getting worse. Already broke down this weekend. I need a serious pep talk. Going to watch it now YouTube
SingularKnit says
11 years ago 2
Good morning! Starting to feel a bit under the weather :-( going to drink lots of tea and vitamin c to try to stay ahead of this cold!
SingularKnit is
11 years ago
done working for the night and trying to crank out some knitting... I feel like I haven't gotten any crafting time all month!