53Friends 7Fans
female Mclean, VA, United States
Knitter, spinner and single mother: crafting away to try to satisfy my daughter's (adorable) demands for hand knits while finally knitting for myself for the first time in 10 years!
SingularKnit says
11 years ago 3 Finished my first crochet washcloth. Clearly I need some more practice. But I'm using the Knit1HeartToo KAL/CAL to learn new skills :-)
SingularKnit says
11 years ago 1
Happy Monday! Had a rough night, going to have to break out the caffeine as soon as I'm at work!!!!
SingularKnit says
11 years ago
One of the things I dislike the most - being called cutie pie. By a grown male. Ew. :-(
SingularKnit says
11 years ago 2
Happy Thursday, everyone!
SingularKnit says
11 years ago
giving up and in - off to bed to try to encourage M to stay asleep...
SingularKnit says
11 years ago
I beat my work record and processed 197 emails today... ready for a glass of wine, some core spinning and being ridiculous while watching Idol.
SingularKnit says
11 years ago
Good morning! Off to attack work again today, hoping to manage a lunch break
SingularKnit says
11 years ago 1
something doesn't feel right
SingularKnit is
11 years ago 1
going to try to make today a better day!
SingularKnit is
11 years ago 6
trying to shift my focus to happier things to keep my mind off everything that has been going on the last... month. Any ideas?