Apple標錯價事件, 是否再次揭開現在部份台灣人貪婪的一面? 乘虛而入與得理不饒人?
TINA--There Is No Alternative, 柴契爾夫人咬定除了自由市場機制別無選擇
Use the money to pay for those colleagues who slow down their steps in daily operation but think what can be change frequently.
Don't waste your money in building a systematic way to make strategy with the help from an expensive consultant company.
What a consultant company can deliver to you is only a way to make a "logical" strategy report, never a winning strategy.
Strategy can neither be made within a seminar or workshop nor be invented through a systematic way learned from any consultant company.
悠閒的漂浮在只有一個人的五星飯店游泳池, 眼前青綠的遠山與蔚藍的天空, 剎時人生何求?
變與不變? 有遠見的人堅持是對的, 但也常被說成不知變通; 看不準的人只好一變再變, 但也常被贊賞為識時務者; 你希望是變與不變的那一方?