對ㄆㄨㄣ 原本就反感了,,,現在感覺越來越強烈了= = 囧 亞正 好想跟你換工作..
笑口常開 笑死活該,,,忍一時風平浪靜 退一步海闊天空呀...真想從後面給ㄊ叭下去
原本以為, 我能改變今天的衰運,, 結果還是造成負擔,,, 真討厭自己的愚蠢, 不能代予溫暖和體貼反而... that's too bad, night
this may not sound like much, but image reduing the time for every appliance
bo shit.. So hurt... I don't like this one which busy with me. Maybe not belong me...but I just would like you can a little look me..
time is space, just a real moment